A Story Worth Telling
Helping Washington State manufacturers succeed through innovation, supply chain positioning, and business development.
The Center for Advanced Manufacturing Puget Sound (CAMPS) is an association of manufacturers, supply chain partners, professional service providers, and affiliates (government, education, and non-profit organizations), all who share common interests to drive innovation, provide supply chain development, and collectively find 21st Century workforce solutions.
“CAMPS helps manufacturers in many ways. It evolves, you can belong to CAMPS for many years and continue to benefit.”
“I like the fact that they are very relevant. They are looking out for the community.”
“CAMPS is the most diverse manufacturing ecosystem in the region. This diversity enables the best ideas to bubble up and to be shared with the entire community.”
Learn how it all started and where we are today.
Manufacturers ask for help.
Kent Chamber of Commerce sponsored Economic Summit listened. Manufacturers expressed their frustration that they could not compete with off-shore competition and did not understand the changes happening in the supply chain processes within the large companies. Simply stated, they did not have a place to go to find answers or solutions.

Kent Chamber of Commerce and City of Kent discuss the importance of manufacturing sector to the region.
Nearly 35% of the Kent Valley jobs in manufacturing, providing higher wage jobs, and is the 5th largest industrial sector in the United States.

Feasibility study completed - with input from 700 regional manufacturers.
A new Center for Advanced Manufacturing should be an industry driven independent organization, governed by manufacturers and focusing on five areas, which today we call our pillars.- ACCESS TO INNOVATION

We launched!
40 organizations joined our efforts as CAMPS served as a much needed venue for members to find value in coming together and share concerns, knowledge, and support each other.
This was the emergence of a “new normal” of finding value by having Small and Medium Manufacturing leaders meet, partner, and support the manufacturing community.

A membership of over 200 companies, organizations, education, and government partners.
Center for Advanced Manufacturing Puget Sound (CAMPS) has grown membership of nearly 200 companies, organizations, education, and government partners supporting the region’s most innovative, high performing, and collaborating companies. These companies are focusing collectively on:- Serving domestic and international markets.
- CAMPS, as an organization, has taken a leadership role in 21st Century Workforce solutions.
- CEO’s and other leaders have adopted a primary goal of improving the image of Manufacturing to all sectors of the community, with a special focus on youth programs and transitioning military personnel.

The Center for Advanced Manufacturing Puget Sound (CAMPS) is recognized as the primary catalyst for small and medium sized manufacturers in Washington State.
Through strategic alliances with supply chain experts, professional support services, and public resources, Washington State manufacturers will be recognized as global leaders in the pursuit of advanced manufacturing innovation opportunities.
This pursuit will be focused on market driven products, leading edge processes, and a highly trained and efficient workforce all working together collaboratively defining the “Power of the Network.”
- Identify emerging industries.
- Identify new technologies.
- Identify new processes.
- Identify new product markets.
- Strengthen public and private partnerships as the “connector.”
- Third Party Service Providers are pre-Qualified.
- Focus on member company growth and development.
- Membership ratio with manufacturing as primary membership
- Identify industry workforce needs.
- Assist with 21st Century workforce solutions.
- Linking industry to workforce solutions.
- Voice the needs of the industry to educators.
- Be a voice of industry to local and state government.
- Access traditional and non-traditional resources.
- Focus on individual company needs.
- Support growth opportunities.
- Support industry diversification options